viernes, agosto 31, 2007

lend me your soul

Lend me your eyes

so I can see

the world through them.

Lend me your legs

so I can run faster


Lend me your arms

so I can hold harder

life, people, myself


Lend me your dick

so I can know

how is it to love me

from right there.

Lend me your heart

so I can feel through it

and not be hurt.

Lend me your soul

so I can feel

what is it like

to be you,

to be the other.

Let me be you

just for a while

just for ...a day?

because I need

to get out

of me

and feel

deep inside

far away...

feel it like you.

Se'm va ocórrer estant a Nova York. Feia molt de temps que no em passava, haver de para de ballar enmig d'una festa perquè necessitava escriure, i amb la forma plena. És tant bo quan passa això. A vosaltres també us passa?

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